
Club Officers of Club 987-F.

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Gavel Banging


PRESIDENT: The president is the presiding officer of a club 873 meeting, and runs the business portion of the meeting. He heads up Club 873's Exceutive Committee (which consists of the seven club officers, plus the Immediate Past President), and oversees all the other club officer's duties. The President represents Club 873 at the monthly Area E-4 Council Meeting, where he reports to the Area E-4 Governor, and he is a voting member at The Founder's District Conference Business Meetings.
VICE PRESIDENT OF EDUCATION: The VPE of Club 873 is responsible for planning the education program of The Dynamic Whittier Toastmasters, and assigning the various club functions and scheduled speakers for the meeting weeks in advance. The VPE fills in for the President as Presiding Officer, when ever the President is absent. The VPE also attends the Area E-4 Council Meetings, and is also a voting member at the Founder's District Conference Business Meeting. He/she is also the "Contest Chairman" for Club 873.
VICE PRESIDENT OF MEMBERSHIP: This is the person who devises campaigns to bring new members to Club #873, and sell the benefits of Toastmaster Membership to any Guests of Club 873. He also conducts the Induction Ceremony of New Members.
VICE PRESIDENT OF PUBLIC RELATIONS: The VPPR works hand in hand with the Vice President of Membership, when requested, and helps the VPM to bring in new members. The VPPR is the one who "Puts the word out" about Club 873, through local Chambers of Commerce, by submitting Public Service Announcements to Radio and Cable TV Stations, creating web pages and websites on the Internet, and sending press releases to local newspapers. He also acts as the Editor for "Dynamic Whittier Happenings", Club 873's Newsletter.
SECRETARY: The Secretary is responsible for keeping accurate minutes for all the meetings of Club 873. The Secretary makes a report on the minutes of the previous meeting(s), when called on by the presiding officer, during the business meetings of Club 873.
TREASURER: The Treasurer is responsible for maintaining the club's treasury, and making sure all the Members of Club 873 turn in their club dues on time. After collecting each members dues, the Treasurer sends them in to World Headquarters PRIOR TO OCTOBER 10, AND APRIL 10, of every year.
SERGEANT AT ARMS: The Sgt. at Arms arrives at the meeting before every one else, to set up for the Meetings of Club 873. He also has guests of Club 873 sign the guest book, and welcomes them as they come through the door. When the Meeting of Club 873 adjourns, the Sgt. at Arms is in charge of putting everything away. The Sgt. at arms also heads up the Club's Social Committee, and is in charge of planning Social Events for Club 873.
IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT: The Immediate Past President of Club 873 has no significant function in the club, EXCEPT to be the EIGHTH MEMBER of Club #873's Executive Committee.
DIVISION H Gov. 2008-09: Domingo Rodriguez, CC.
FOUNDERS DISTRICT GOV. 2006-07: Bob Hudack, DTM.
AREA H4 GOV. 2008-09: Open.


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