1) Willie, bring your little drum;
Robin, bring your fife and come;
And be merry while you play,
Come be merry while you play,
Let us make our Christmas gay!
2) When the men of olden days
To the King of Kings gave praise,
On the fife and drum did play,
On the fife and drum did play,
So their hearts were glad and gay!
3) God and man today become
More in tune than fife and drum,
So be merry while you play,
So be merry while you play,
Sing and dance this Christmas day!
1) Of The Father's love begotten,
Ere the worlds began to be
He is Alpha and Omega
He the Source the ending He.
Of the things that are, that have been
And the future years shall be
Evermore and evermore.
2) O ye heights of Heaven adore Him.
Angels hosts His praises sing
Powers dominions bow before him
And extol our God and King.
Let no tongue on earth be silent
Every voice in concert ring
Evermore and evermore.
3) Christ to thee with God The Father,
And The Holy Ghost to be
Hymn of chant and hight thanksgiving
And unwearied praises be.
Honor glory and dominion
And eternal victory.
Evermore and evermore.
1) On December five and twenty, Fum, Fum, Fum! On December five and twenty, Fum, Fum, Fum! On, a child
was born this night, So rosy white, so rosy white. Son of Mary, Virgin Holy, In a stable mean and lowly, Fum, Fum,
2) On December five and twenty, Fum, Fum, Fum! On December five and twenty, Fum, Fum, Fum! On December’s
most important day, Let us be gay, let us be gay! We go first to church and then We have the sweetest buns and candy,
Fum, Fum, Fum!
3) God will send us days of feasting, Fum, Fum, Fum! God will send us days of feasting, Fum, Fum, Fum! Both
in hot months and in cold, For young and old, For young and old, When we tell the Holy Story, Ever singing of his
glory, Fum, Fum, Fum!
1) People, look east. The time is near of the crowning of the year. Make your house fair as you are able. Trim the hearth and set the
table. People, look east and sing today
Love the guest is on the way.
2) Angels announce to man and beast, him who cometh from the East. Set every peak
and valley humming with the word the Lord is coming. People look East, and sing today: Love, the Lord, is on the