Cyber Tribute to Lara Flynn Boyle.

Right on Lara!



By Bill Baxter, DTM.
June 19, 2004.

"I want my president to be like my agent: not afraid of people, but wants my best interest."
 --Lara Flynn Boyle.

This young actress never ceases to amaze me.  She was, of course, pledging her support for our current president, George W. Bush. Ms. Boyle's quote describes The President to a "T", and why I too, like and respect President Bush, and why I want him to be re-elected for another term in November 2004. Bush, unlike a lot of politicians, has never strove to win any popularity contests, but merely act in the best interests of America, and the world, without fear of what others will think. He has acted in the best interests of America, Iraq, and the entire planet, by ridding the world of terrorism more and more, and taking a madman out of power in Baghdad. The People of Iraq are beginning to enjoy some of the freedom we in America have enjoyed since the American Revolution. Sometimes making important decisions which are the best interests of America, and the world will not win popularity contests. George W. Bush has shown great courage in this respect. The more leaders we have like President Bush, the better off the USA and the rest of the world will be in the long run. Multitudes of liberals in Hollywood do not share Lara's views here. Lara Flynn Boyle too, has demonstrated a lot of courage. Right on, Lara!