Treat Angels in O.C. outfield as outsiders The Angels vs. Anaheim saga is over at long
last ["Anaheim absorbs its loss in Angels suit," Front page, Dec. 22]Personally, I believe that the Angels name change from
the Anaheim Angels to the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim on Jan. 3, 2005, was a slap in the face to the people of Orange County,
and a despicable act by the Angels management. However, that act was not illegal, and the name change should have never been
fought in court. There is a way Anaheim and Orange County can
still fight the name change outside of a courtroom where taxpayers' money won't be involved. They can do this simply by treating
the Angels like a Los Angeles team. Treat them as though they are actually from the city of Los Angeles. Give the royal preferential
treatment to the teams which still represent Anaheim and Orange County, including the minor league franchises. These are the
Anaheim Ducks, the Anaheim Arsenal and the Orange County Flyers. Personally, I think The Orange County Register
gives far too much coverage to the Angels. Disney vs. Anaheim? Say it Ain't So! "Moreno May be Talking to Much."