
HOME. | The "Orange County" Moniker. | About Anaheim and Orange County | Award Winning Speech. | Bennett Payne Baxter--Anaheim Pioneer. | Baxter Family Reunion 2010. | Anaheim Airport | Anaheim/Orange County Walk of Stars. | Nominate Mr. Autry. | Why Gene Autry Should be in Cooperstown. | Disney vs, Anaheim? Say it Ain't So! | Orange County Flyers Player of the Year. | Angels vs. Anaheim Era.


     This website, named after my Great Uncle Ben is about one of California's newest  Professional Sports Market Area--Anaheim/Orange County. The U.S. Census Bureau defines Orange County as a "Metropolitan Division" of The Southland. It's current formal listing is Santa Ana-Anaheim-Irvine. No, I no longer consider Anaheim and The OC as being part of The Los Angeles Market, as there are too many things which set Anaheim and Orange County apart from L.A. as its own Major City and Metro Area, as well as its own Sports Market.
     The "Bennett Payne Baxter Memorial Anaheim-OC Showcase" contains information about Anaheim and Orange County, and what sets them apart from Los Angeles. This site also contains  information about Professional Sports in Anaheim and  Orange County.

Music: "Orange Blossom Special."

Disney Guestbook:

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Rudy Boysen Memorial Webring Station:

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Anaheim/Orange County Showcase--2015 and On.


Anaheim Skyline.

Bennett Payne Baxter, Anaheim Pioneer:


Bennett Payne Baxter Memorial Gallery.

Baxter's Decendants:

"The Battling Baxters" -- Ben Baxter's Brother and Nephews.

Baxter Family Reunion 2010.

Bill Baxter's (Webmaster's) News Paper Article: "Disney vs, Anaheim? Say it Ain't So!"

Bill Baxter's O.C. Register Article: "Moreno Might be Talking too Much."

Bill Baxter's 2005 Award Winning Speech: "What Good is an L.A. Brand?".


About Anaheim and Orange County

The "Orange County" Moniker.

Anaheim - Orange County Airport.

Anaheim/Orange County Walk of Stars.



Wikepedia Article (By Bill Baxter) "Downtown Anaheim.".

Photo Gallery 1.

Photo Gallery 2.

Anaheim/OC Professional Sports Pages:

Anaheim Angels Name Change Curse (Sub Website).

Anaheim Angels -- Gene Autry Corner (Sub Website).

Why Gene Autry Should be in Cooperstown.

Nominate Mr. Autry.

Angels vs. Anaheim Era.

Bill's Anaheim Ducks Pages.

Orange County Professional Sports Blog.


Anaheim Bolts


Anaheim Ducks


2007 Stanley Cup Graphics.

Awards Received for This Site.

Eden Hall Trophy Case.

Any Questions?

Sports Goofy Web Page Backgrounds.

Orange County Flyers Player of the Year.

Anaheim/Orange County Official Websites Links:

City of Anaheim

City of Santa Ana.

City of Irvine.

(Orange County's Metropolitan Designation is Santa Ana-Anaheim-Irvine.)

Anaheim/Orange County Visitor & Convention Bureau.

County of Orange.

Anaheim Ducks (NHL)

Anaheim Bolts (PASL).

The Orange County Register.

John Wayne Airport--Orange County.

Anaheim Convention Center

The Honda Center.

Anaheim University.


Segerstrom Center fot the Arts (Originally-Orange County Performing Arts Center).

City National Grove of Anaheim.

The Disneyland Resort.

Also Visit:

Folklore Tribute to Walt Disney & Company.

Tributes to Late Relatives.